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Terra Essentials moved! But why?

"You left Atlanta to live WHERE?! Why?"

This is the most common response I get when I tell people where I moved to. I used to feel discouraged and scared about the decision I made when people asked me this. Now, being here, I am so happy I made this choice!

Terra Essentials (& Morgan) have relocated to good ol' St. Louis!

*pause for gasps and shock*

"It's so dangerous!" "Don't get shot!" "Eww! Be careful girl!"

Hearing these things really did influence my decision. I thought maybe I should just stick it out at my mom's house (at my big age) in Atlanta and continue to run TE out of the basement... HARD PASS.

I thought about selling my arm and leg to pay for an Atlanta apartment big enough for me and my business... Just NO.

I thought about selling out of all my products and closing TE for good, that way I wouldn't need a space to work out of, I could just live...

But then what would I do with myself? What would replace my first love and passion? What will happen to the community of people that love Terra Essentials?

St. Louis wasn't my first choice. It scared me! I looked at so many cities across the U.S. but none of them were a good fit. 

I cried. A LOT.

Once I decided on St. Louis, it took me a year to get here. I couldn't find the perfect workspace, family issues, scared to be on my own. Just delay after delay after delay.

At one point, I gave up entirely. I felt defeated. I figured I would live in my mother's house forever (my worst nightmare). 

Then months later, I found it. My perfect space. But this time, everything fell into place P E R F E C T L Y. The same issues I faced months before were no more. It was meant to be. Everything aligned, divinely. This alignment showed me that not only was this in my best interest, but I would be protected in my choice.

I have a strong feeling that this move was necessary for my personal growth and the growth and expansion of Terra Essentials. I am so excited about this new journey and I think you should be too because some great things are coming to the TE community! 

Lastly, I want to say this:

The support I receive from this community is unmatched. On those dark days that I would feel down that things weren't going the way I wanted, I'd get a message from someone telling me how much they love a certain product and for me to never stop doing what I am doing. 

You all lift me up and I can only hope to do the same by continuing to offer you products you love and pouring into you in that way. I have found my family and tribe in this community and I can't express how grateful I am. I love and appreciate everyone that is reading this.

Get ready for good things to come! 🎉


Morgan 💜

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